

  1. Make class for reading document (documents.py)

    from composite import Document, fields
    class User(Document):
        id = fields.Field(name='id', type=int)
        sign = fields.Field(name='sign', type=str)
        def get_user_name(self):
            if self.get_attributes():
                return '%s %s' % (self.attributes.first_name,
            return self.id
        def __str__(self):
            return '%s' % self.attributes.first_name
        class Attributes:
            first_name = fields.AttributeField(name='first_name', type=str)
            last_name = fields.AttributeField(name='last_name', type=str)
            age = fields.AttributeField(name='age', type=int)
            gender = fields.AttributeField(name='gender', type=str)
            phone = fields.AttributeField(name='phone', type=str)
            email = fields.AttributeField(name='email', type=str)
    class Company(Document):
    Company document
    :param str title: title
    :param str address: address
    :param str company_type: company type
    :param User ceo: company CEO user profile
    title = Field('title', str)
    address = Field('address', str)
    company_type = Field('company_type', str)
    ceo = Node('ceo', type=User)
    def __str__(self):
        return self.ceo.get_user_name()
  2. Implement XML document

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <ceo first_name="Alexander" last_name="Pepyako" age="23"
              gender="male" phone="+79110010203" email="com@alexander.pepyako">
            <sign>Pepyako inc.</sign>
        <title>Pepyako industries</title>
        <address>Third Vydrokushskaya street, 7 building</address>
  3. Read XML document with help of implemented classes

    >>> from documents import Company
    >>> from composite.builders import LXMLDocumentBuilder
    >>> from lxml import etree
    >>> xml_document = etree.fromstring(open('company.xml', 'rb').read())
    >>> company = Company.parse(LXMLDocumentBuilder, xml_document)
    >>> company
    <Company: Alexander Pepyako>
    >>> company.ceo.get_user_name()
    'Alexander Pepyako'
  4. Convert company to JSON

    >>> from composite.builders import PythonDocumentBuilder
    >>> import json
    >>> company_dict = company.build(PythonDocumentBuilder, company)
    >>> company_dict
    {'address': 'Third Vydrokushskaya street, 7 building',
     'ceo': {'_attributes': {'age': 23,
       'email': 'com@alexander.pepyako',
       'first_name': 'Alexander',
       'gender': 'male',
       'last_name': 'Pepyako',
       'phone': '+79110010203'},
      'id': 1,
      'sign': 'Pepyako inc.'},
     'company_type': 'GHMb',
     'title': 'Pepyako industries'}
    >>> json.dumps(company_dict)
    '{"ceo": {"_attributes": {"phone": "+79110010203", "first_name": "Alexander", "last_name": "Pepyako",
    "gender": "male", "age": 23, "email": "com@alexander.pepyako"}, "id": 1,
    "sign": "Pepyako inc."}, "title": "Pepyako industries",
    "company_type": "GHMb", "address": "Third Vydrokushskaya street, 7 building"}'